WalkBack Trial: Simple Exercise Strategy plus Education Can Help Prevent Recurrence of Low Back Pain

PainRelief.com Interview with:
Natasha C Pocovi
Department of Health Sciences
Macquarie University, Sydney
NSW, Australia

PainRelief.com: What is the background for this study?

Response: Approximately 620 million people globally, reported suffering low back pain in 2020. While it’s not considered a life-threatening disease, we can see the very serious impacts it can have on people’s lifestyle, ability to work, and overall quality of life. While much work is being done to treat low back pain, ‘prevention’ is mostly unchartered territory. This is particularly important given the high rates of recurrent low back pain, where 7 in 10 people who recover from an episode of low back pain will have a new episode in the next 12 months.

A small number of studies have examined exercise to prevent the recurrence of low back pain. These have primarily focused on group-based, complex exercises focusing on a combination of strengthening and improving the endurance and flexibility of the spine. Some of these were delivered over several supervised sessions, some as many as 20 x 1-hour sessions. This becomes less feasible for patients to engage in.

Annals of IM: Both Resistance Training and Neuromuscular Exercise Improved Function and Pain in Hip Osteoarthritis

PainRelief.com Interview with:
Troels Kjeldsen
PhD Student, MSc
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99, 8200 Aarhus N, Indgang J, J501 
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University
The Research Unit PROgrez,
Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals


PainRelief.com: What is the background for this study?

Response: Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a very common degenerative joint disease that results in hip pain and impaired physical function among other consequences for the individual.

Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials of exercise and hip OA have established that exercise is an effective conservative treatment option for reducing pain and improving physical function. In most clinical guidelines, exercise is the recommended first line treatment in combination with patient education and a weight loss intervention if necessary.

However, we know very little about which types of exercise are most effective and there is currently not an evidence basis on which doctors and physiotherapists can make recommendations of one type of exercise over another type.

Study Finds Reduced Pain and Fatigue with Exercise in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer

PainRelief.com Interview with:
Dr Anouk Hiensch PhD
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University
Utrecht, The Netherlands

PainRelief.com: What is the background for this study?

Response: Patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC) often experience cancer- and treatment-related side effects that can impair daily life activities and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Interventions are needed that improve HRQoL by alleviating fatigue and other side effects during metastatic BC cancer treatment. Recent evidence-based international guidelines (ASCO, ACSM) recommend exercise for patients with BC during adjuvant treatment for reducing side effects. However, evidence of the effectiveness of exercise in patients with mBC is scarce. The PREFERABLE-EFFECT study (NCT04120298) was designed to assess the effects of a 9-month supervised exercise program in patients with mBC on fatigue, HRQoL, and other cancer- and treatment-related side effects.