Peptide May Allow Cannabis to Provide Pain Relief Without Unwanted Side Effects Interview with:
David Andreu, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
Department of Experimental & Health Sciences
Pompeu Fabra University
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park
Barcelona, Spain

Prof. David Andreu (right)
Maria Gallo,
(first author)
Prof. Rafael Maldonado  What is the background for this study?  What are the main findings?

Response: Background is the (earlier) finding of a cross-talk between CB1 and 5HT2A receptors (two GPCRs forming a heterodimer) that can be acted upon (disrupted) by peptides that allow to dissociate analgesic (CB1-mediated) from (unwanted) cognitive effects ( CB1/5HT2A heterodimer-mediated, memory impairment etc); this is reference 18 of our paper.

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