Interview with:
Diana Burgess, PhD
Director of the VA Advanced Fellowship Program in Health Services Research
CCDOR: Center for Care Delivery and Outcomes Research
Director of the VA QUERI Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center (CIHEC)
Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota What is the background for this study?
Response: Mindfulness is being aware and paying attention in a kind, non-judgmental way, to what is happening in the present moment. Mindfulness-based interventions teach people mindfulness skills, through a variety of practices, such as meditation and mindful movement. Although mindfulness interventions are evidence-based treatment for chronic pain and conditions that often accompany pain, like anxiety and depression, many MBIs are difficult to implement at scale in healthcare systems as they require trained mindfulness instructors, dedicated space and pose barriers to patients due to the time commitment involved. We wanted to develop MBIs that were relatively low resource, scalable and more accessible for patients.