Walking is Free – And It Might Help to Prevent Knee Pain

PainRelief.com Interview with:
Grace H. Lo, MD MSc
Assistant Professor of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine
Chief of Rheumatology and
Investigator at the Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX.

Grace Hsiao-Wei Lo
Dr. Grace Hsiao-Wei Lo

PainRelief.com:  What is the background for this study? 

Response: To conduct this study, we used data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative, a research endeavor that has been funded by the NIH and pharma partners for many years.

Our study including people age 50 and older who have signs of osteoarthritis in their knees.

When we looked at those who did not have regular knee pain at the beginning of the study, those who walked for exercise were LESS likely to develop regular knee pain compared to those who do not walk.