Both High and Low Dose Exercise Beneficial for Knee Osteoarthritis Interview with:
Tom Arild Torstensen
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden, and
Holten Institute, Stockholm, Sweden 

Tom Arild Torstensen What are the main findings?
Response: The results from our study (1) show that both high-dose and low-dose exercise therapy is beneficial for knee osteoarthritis. At a glance, it would be natural to think that I should choose a low-dose because it takes only 30 minutes and consists of 5 different exercises compared to the high-dose lasting 70 to 90 minutes consisting of 11 exercises. But because our study was designed as a superiority trial, meaning that even though we failed to show that high-dose treatment is superior to low-dose, our results do not imply that a low-dose exercise regimen is as beneficial as a high-dose regimen. 

Both groups improved over time, but there were no benefits of high-dose therapy in most comparisons. One exception was the KOOS score function in sports and recreation, where high-dose therapy was superior at the end of treatment and the 6-month follow-up. A small benefit in QoL at 6 months was also observed. Notably, most variables numerically favored the high-dose group, albeit not in a statistically or clinically meaningful way.

Last Updated on February 3, 2023 by