Relivion Stimulator of Both Occipital and Trigeminal Nerves for Migraine Pain Relief  What are the main findings?

Response: The study results suggests that many migraine patients may achieve clinically significant pain relief and freedom with Relivion MG. These beneficial effects appear to demonstrate comparable or higher efficacy compared to existing migraine treatments, without the adverse effects associated with medications or the surgical risks of invasive electrode procedures. Relivion MG also has remote monitoring capabilities that enable healthcare providers the ability to optimize the patient’s treatment regimen to reflect their personal needs. What should readers take away from your report?

Response: The management of migraine pain is complex and often patients need more than one treatment available to them .While drugs may be a first line treatment ,many patients cannot tolerate the side-effects or would prefer a no-drug option .Relivion has created a new category of neurostimulation therapy by combining stimulation of the 2 major nerve pathways that affect pain .The results of the SP301 study demonstrate the cumulative effect of the Relivion stimulation is just as good, if not better than other migraine therapies .

Also, many patients suffering from migraine have other conditions they are managing as well .Because of Relivion’s non-drug profile it can be easily used with other medications without the risk of adverse drug-to-drug interactions What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work?

Response:  Would like to see Relivion studied for the preventive treatment of migraine as well as in pregnant women and adolescents. Both of these populations would benefit from more non- drug options in their treatment of migraine . Is there anything else you would like to add?

Response: I am pleased to see such promising results with the use of neurostimulation in migraine .It is my hope that this therapy becomes more widely adopted by my peers and the clinical community .

Dr. Daniel has no commercial relationship with Neurolief Ltd.


Daniel, O., Tepper, S.J., Deutsch, L. et al. External Concurrent Occipital and Trigeminal Neurostimulation Relieves Migraine Headache: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Trial. Pain Ther (2022).


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Last Updated on June 27, 2022 by