Hypnosis May Provide Some Pain Relief During Cardiac Procedure

PainRelief.com Interview with:
Rodrigue Garcia, MD, MSc
Consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Poitiers

Rodrigue Garcia, MD, MSc Consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Poitiers France

PainRelief.com:  What is the background for this study?  How was the hypnosis performed?

Response: Atrial flutter ablation is often very painful and requires important doses of opioids to alleviate the patients. Alternatives techniques such as hypnosis are routinely used in our lab but there was no scientific evidence of its utility.

Hypnosis was performed by a nurse who had a training delivered by the French Association of Hypnosis. The Ericksonian method was the first approach.

PainRelief.com: What are the main findings?

Response: Hypnosis reduces pain throughout the procedure. It also reduces morphine consumption by 2 mg which can be a lot in patients with impaired repiratory, kidney or liver function. Finally, we observed less complication in the group with hypnosis compared to the group with placebo.

PainRelief.com: What should readers take away from your report?

Response: Hypnosis is an effective technique to relieve pain and reduce opioid consumption during atrial flutter ablation.

PainRelief.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work?

Response:  I think we should investigate the effect of hypnosis in atrial fibrillation ablation with a multicentre study.


Hypnosis Versus Placebo During Atrial Flutter Ablation

Rodrigue Garcia, Claire Bouleti, Anthony Li, Denis Frasca, Sophia El Harrouchi, Julien Marechal, Pierre Roumegou, Pierre Corbi, Luc Christiaens, François Le Gal, Bruno Degand

J Am Coll Cardiol EP. 2020 Aug 12. Epublished DOI:10.1016/j.jacep.2020.05.028


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Last Updated on August 18, 2020 by PainRelief.com