Promising Pain Relief with Injectable Allograft for Chronic Low Back Pain Interview with:
Dr. Douglas Beall, MD
Chief of Radiology Services
Clinical Radiology of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, OK

Dr. Beall What is the background for this study?

Response: Discogenic low back pain is typically caused by damaged discs in the spine. Viable disc allograft supplementation is a minimally invasive treatment that injects specialized cells and fluid into a damaged disc. The cells of the injected fluid encourage the cells in the damaged disc to regenerate with healthy tissue.

As for the study itself, 50 patients at nine sites participated in an extension of the randomized control Viable Allograft Supplemented Disc Regeneration in the Treatment of Patients With Low Back Pain (VAST) Trial. Of these, 46 received allograft treatment and four received saline. The treatment group was similar to the patient population at the start of the VAST trial in age, sex, race, ethnicity, body mass index and smoking status. Pain levels were evaluated using the VAS Analog Scale, and functionality was measured using the Oswestery Disability Index (ODI).

Last Updated on March 4, 2023 by