Mucosal Breaks from Periodontal Disease Likely Promotes Rheumatoid Arthritis What are the main findings?

Response: Rheumatoid arthritis patients with periodontitis had repeated episodes of subclinical bacteremia with oral commensal bacteria.  

Bacteremia with oral commensal bacteria trigger an inflammatory monocyte response that is also seen in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 

B cells encoding antibodies against these commensal oral bacteria, which also bind human citrullinated antigen (known as CCP antibodies), are also activated in rheumatoid arthritis blood. What should readers take away from your report?

Response: Periodontitis results in oral mucosal breaches and these likely promote rheumatoid arthritis. What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this study?

Response: Future efforts might test the hypothesis that eradication of periodontitis facilitates management of rheumatoid arthritis.

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Brewer, R & Lanz, Tobias & Hale, Caryn & Poore, Gregory & Martino, Cameron & Swafford, Austin & Carroll, Thomas & Kongpachith, Sarah & Blum, Lisa & Elliott, Serra & Blachère, Nathalie & Parveen, Salina & Fak, John & Yao, Vicky & Troyanskaya, Olga & Frank, Mayu & Bloom, Michelle & Jahanbani, Shaghayegh & Gomez, Alejandro & Orange, Dana. (2023). Oral mucosal breaks trigger anti-citrullinated bacterial and human protein antibody responses in rheumatoid arthritis. Science translational medicine. 15. eabq8476. 10.1126/scitranslmed.abq8476.

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Last Updated on March 13, 2023 by